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Abou Daoud, 1937-


 Wydano: Paris : Carriere , c1999

Bar-Zohar, Michael (1938- ).

Nie ma zadań niewykonalnych

 Wydano: Poznań : Rebis , 2016

Davis, John William

Rainy Street Stories

 Wydano: Athens, Alabama : Red Bike Publishing , 2013

Der Derian, James.


 Wydano: Cambridge, MA : Blackwell , 1992

Gadowski, Witold

Tragarze śmierci

 Wydano: Warszawa : Editions Spotkania , 2015

Ganser, Daniele.

NATO's secret armies

 Wydano: London : Frank Cass , 2005

Moncourt, Andre.

The Red Army Faction 1

 Wydano: Montreal : Kersplebedeb Publishing and Di , 2009

Moncourt, Andre.

The Red Army Faction 2

 Wydano: Montreal : Kersplebedeb Publishing and Di , 2013

Raab, David.

Terror in black September

 Wydano: Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan , 2007

Viedienieiev, Dmytro (1967-)

Zadzerkallia istorii

 Wydano: Kyiv : K.I.S. , 2008